

Resource post

In response to a conversation in a twitter space today, I decided to compile this list of resources that I use as an artist, both as a means of connecting with buyers and patrons and as a means to reach new people not part of my normal circles as well as means to protect your work online. I’m going to attempt to group these resources by platform.

Do not underestimate the reach of Facebook groups. Yes, Facebook is kind of a cesspool for the most part, but the specialized groups are very definitely worth your time, especially if you have a niche style or body of work. I’ll just include a few of the more general groups that I participate in here:

Like with Facebook, Reddit is really only useful if you know what communities you’re looking for. Fortunately, I’ve done a fair bit of that legwork for you:

This is often overlooked by a lot of artists, but its a good way to get your work in front of people you wouldn’t normally reach. Magazines, literary journals, and various other publications are usually looking for some kind of artwork to accompany an article or fill a page or cover. Some charge a submission fee, but most don’t, and some even offer modest payments for usage of your artwork. At a minimum you usually get a contributor’s copy of the publication.

  • Submittable - This site offers a lot of filters so that you can hone down the types of calls your want to search for, and a lot of publications use it.

  • Publishing and Other Forms of Insanity - Erica Verillo collects and posts about Agents looking for clients and calls for submissions in paying markets for literary works primarily, but many of her posts will either include details including if they’re accepting art submissions or will at least have contact info so that you can inquire directly.

Pixsy is a service that tracks your images on the internet, and it. is. thorough. It will find your work in places you didn’t even know existed. I have personally found and removed my work from a few different places thanks to Pixsy. Their free tier service will track 500 images, and you have to do all the takedown legwork yourself, but they have plans starting at $19/month in which they will monitor up to 2000 images and will issue takedown notices on your behalf. They actually have tiered service plans beyond that, but I literally cannot imagine the average artist would would be consulting this blog for resources needing more than that.

Creatively is a portfolio and job-posting site. I’ve found some oddly large names posting openings there, most of them are a bit out of my particular stylistic wheelhouse so I’ve never applied to them, but I’ve personally seen names like MTV, Tommy Hilfiger, and Marriott International post openings there, so someone with a broader portfolio might do well there.

⛧Art Calls
These are general submission call sites. Galleries, civic art installations, art fairs, etc, post calls and receive applications through these.