

Long overdue updates

New painting “Last Light” hanging in situ…

So much has been happening, where to start?

First things first, its been kind of a slow start to the year with my workspace comfort being largely determined by the temperature, but I’ve still managed to get a few paintings done on the warmer days.

I’ve also been weirdly obsessed with polishing up my penmanship skills since I was recently gifted an inkwell pen set, and then promptly turned around and bought an inkwell, quill, inkblotter, wax, and wax seal set because that’s just the kind of extra I am. This, of course, has inspired me to take up sending hand-written letters to people…partly because it gives me a reason to use all these things that doesn’t waste ink or parchment, and partly because I feel like the people receiving them probably enjoy getting something in the mail that isn’t a bill or solicitation. So far my use of the wax seal has not caused any problems for the postal system that I’ve been made aware of.

The big thing that is happening is that in a couple of months I will be moving kind of unexpectedly. Some of you know the backstory. Those that don’t already know, probably don’t need to know, but I will likely be having some kind of sale to help ease some of the financial strain that moving can create. I’m probably perfectly capable of affording the move as it stands, but I would prefer not to spread myself too thin in case things get fucky. I will probably be posting something to the events calendar at some point in late March or early April with sale details, so definitely stay tuned for that.

As always, I appreciate the clients and patrons who continue to enable me to be an absolutely insufferable windbag on places like twitter, instagram, facebook, and tumblr. You guys are what keep me from being a regular crazy person who just talks to themselves, and I will never be able to fully express my gratitude for your indulgence of my mental and emotional aberrations.