

Kansas City Voices, vol 19 launch party

In case you missed it, last night was the launch party for vol 19 of Kansas City Voices literary magazine. I was there because they had selected one of the drawings I had put forward for publication in this issue. I was also among the contributors who were invited to speak briefly on their contribution to the issue.

Admittedly, I don’t have a whole lot of practice with public speaking. I had plenty of advance notice to prepare something but when the time came I had absolutely no idea what I was going to say when I got in front of that podium…much the same as when I sit down to a blank canvas without an inkling of what it will become. So I ran with my stream of consciousness, tried to talk a little about the particular drawing that was selected, and made a point to thank the hosts for having me.

I don’t think it went badly, but it has definitely made me aware of an area of myself that I could stand to work on, but my girlfriend and I got a few decent photos from the evening.