

Its been a few months...

I’ve been rather significantly delinquent with staying on top of this blog, but its my blog, so fuck it. I can do that.

Honestly though, I have definitely had a lot going on that has kept me away from sitting down to do something like compose a blog post. A lot of it amounts to some fairly major changes in my personal life that have consumed quite a bit of my focus, attention, and resources.

It has been a mixed road of bad and good, but it was necessary. A lot of it has definitely panned out in unexpected ways, but I can honestly say that I’m emotionally and mentally in a better place than I was.

I’ve still got a bit ahead of me, but I’m starting to find my footing and my groove again, and the continued support of friends, fans, and patrons has definitely been a boon to my resolve to get to the other side of this chapter.

There are maybe 4 or 5 people who know the story arc, and beyond them maybe a handful more who know have even the partial details, and really that’s about where I’d like to keep it for the time-being.